When the card comes up to indicate a change in some-one's response, we see the woman in love - entering into the deepest and most emotional realms of her personality, and returning refreshed and invigorated. It could be in a caring situation, but the point to stress is that you’ll have to be patient and understanding. She might present to the world with a poor-little-me attitude. Future The Queen of Cups tarot card in the future position can mean that in the near future, you’re going to go through a period where you’re going to have to be much more mature than you usually are. When this happens she begins to show signs of feeling victimised. Her reflective quality backfires so that she begins to take on the attitudes and thoughts of others. She will believe herself unable to stand alone. She nurtures for the sake of inducing dependancy, and places undue importance on being in a relationship, no matter what its quality. The gentleness and tranquillity convert to weakness and unspoken resentment. Drawing this card in a reading can sometimes indicate a soul connection. This person values the intangible over the material things in life. If she is badly aspected, however, another aspect of her personality shows through. If the Queen of Cups appears in a Tarot spread as a person, that means that this person is emotionally balanced, loving, caring, intuitive, and generous.

In this aspect she can often be a revealer for those around her. Her foremost ability in this area is a talent for simply absorbing energies around her and reflecting them back, unchanged. She's often connected with motherhood, and mothering. She is unstinting in her readiness to nurture others, sometimes to her own detriment. She is often involved in creative or literary pursuits, and enjoys art, good music, literature and things of beauty. She will be something of a day-dreamer - perhaps a bit unrealistic, but creative and hopeful. If the Queen of Cups appears in a reading to indicate a woman, she will be a gentle and tranquil woman, romantic by nature, generous with her tenderness.